Scheduling Information
Scheduling courses for the following year is an important part of your high school experience. Proper course selection can help you reduce stress when planning for the future. Please utilize the resources below to assist in the course selection process.
2024-2025 OASD High School Course Guide
If you have a specific scheduling question or concern, please contact your school counselor.
2024-2025 Counselor Assignments:
Freshman Counselor: Mrs. Erickson
Sophomore Counselor: Ms. Zimmerman
Junior Counselor: Mrs. Stindt
Senior Counselor: Mrs. Plonsky
How To Enter Requests In Infinite Campus
Step 1
- Login to Infinite Campus
- On the left toolbar, click MORE
- Click on the tab that says “Course Registration”
Step 2
- Click on “Add Course”.
- Enter a course name or number for a filtered list (search works better if you use a course NUMBER).
- Click on the course to request.
- Click “Request this Course”.
- For year long courses, you must select both semesters
- Ex. English 1, request 1121 and 1122
- Click on “Request as an Alternate” if the course is an alternate.
Step 3
- Repeat the process until your requests are full
- Minimum Courses Required: 14 courses entered & 5 alternates
- Do Not Worry About Progress Bar
- Some courses may be filled in under “required courses.” These cannot be changed.
- When you are finished entering your courses, just closeout, all work is automatically saved.
For step-by-step screen shot directions click HERE
Factors To Consider When Scheduling
Current 8th Graders
Class of 2028
- 8th Grade Open House 2024
- Understanding High School
- Freshmen Requirements
- Sequencing
- Sample Freshmen Schedule
8th Grade Open House 2024
Join us on Thursday, January 11th for our annual 8th grade open house!!
Registration will begin at 5:00 PM inside of Door 7. Upon check-in families will receive a folder with important documents and instructions for the night!
New this year- families will have the opportunity to freely walk between multiple locations to meet with teachers, clubs, athletics, current students, and activities! We will have a required presentation for families to attend to learn more about the transition to North, scheduling process, and more! Please plan to attend ONE of the offered presentations at 5:15 OR 6:15 PM in the Auditorium!
For more information about Oshkosh North, graduation requirements, and scheduling information for the 2024-2025 school year, please review our 8th Grade Open House presentation HERE!
Understanding High School
The transition from middle school to high school can be met with a lot of different emotions, from excitement to feeling anxious. Below is a brief overview of some of the biggest differences between middle and high school.
Click below to learn about your schedule, credits, and electives
Daily Schedule
Your daily schedule will be broken up into 7 separate class periods. Each period will be a different class and there will be 5 minutes between classes.
Yearly Schedule
- Courses will either be a semester or year long.
- A semester course with either be 1st or 2nd semester.
- A year long course will meet both 1st and 2nd semester.
Excel Hour
Excel Hour is a roughly 25 minute block of time between 3rd and 4th hour.
This block of time is used for students to meet with specific teachers to make up missing tests, complete missing work, or gain extra support with concepts.
What is a Credit
What is a Credit
- A credit is what is earned upon successful completion of a course.
- Courses are worth 0.5 or 1.0 credits.
- 0.5 credits will be earned for completing a semester course.
- 1.0 credit will be earned when completing a year long course.
How Many Credits Are Needed for Graduation?
Total: 23 Credits
- English - 4 Credits
- Math - 3 Credits
- Science - 3 Credits
- Social Studies - 3 Credits
- PhyEd - 1.5 Credits
- Health - 0.5 Credits
- Financial Lit - 0.5 Credits
- Electives - 7.5 Credits
Electives & Alternates
An elective is a course you choose. They are not required. Electives can come from all departments.
Electives help students explore their interests, experience different areas of education, and increase your skills and knowledge!
As you progress through high school, more and more electives will be available.
Alternates are courses you select when scheduling that IF a course you requested does NOT run or does NOT fit in your schedule you can still take a course you would like.
When selecting courses for the following year, it is important to also select alternates.
Freshmen Requirements
Freshman Required Courses:
- English: 1 Credit
- English 1 or English 1 Honors
- Math: 1 Credit
- Algebra or Geometry
- Science: 1 Credit
- Physical Science or Biology
- Social Studies: 1 Credit
- World Cultures or AP World History
- Phy Ed: 0.5 Credits
- Team Sports, Individual Sports, Lifetime, Strength & Conditioning
- Health: 0.5 Credits
- Electives: 1 Credit Minimum
Graduation Requirements:
Total: 23 Credits
English | 4 Credits |
Math | 3 Credits |
Science | 3 Credits |
Social Studies | 3 Credits |
PhyEd | 1.5 Credits |
Health | 0.5 Credits |
Financial Lit | 0.5 Credits |
Electives | 7.5 Credits |
Which required course should I take?
English 1
The vast majority of freshmen will take English 1 to meet the freshmen requirement.
English 1 is a foundational course designed to meet the needs of most of the freshmen students.
Unless your current English teacher recommends you take English 1 Honors, English 1 will be your selection.
English 1 Honors
English 1 Honors focuses on all of the skills listed in the English 1 course description, but students can expect a faster pace with more challenging texts and rigorous expectations. Honors courses are specifically focused on preparing students for post secondary academic expectations.
Algebra is the correct course for the vast majority of freshmen.
If math is an area of concern, there are options to support your math skill such as math lab. Math lab cannot be requested during scheduling but may be recommended during freshmen year.
Geometry is only offered to students who are currently in 8th grade Algebra. Geometry is for students who have mastered Algebra skills in 8th grade. In order to take Geometry as a freshman, you must have a recommendation from your current Math teacher.
Physical Science
Physical Science will be the correct placement for the vast majority of freshmen students. Physical science is a foundational course in which skills must be mastered for upper level science courses.
Taking Physical Science does not eliminate the possibility of taking upper level science courses later.
Biology is offered for students who are strong in their science skills and for those seeking advanced level science courses later in their high school career.
If you wish to take Biology as a freshman, please speak with your current science teacher to evaluate your skills and get their recommendation for the course.
Social Studies
World Cultures
World Cultures is the course that will be best suited for the vast majority of freshmen. The pacing and content of the course helps students understand the global nature of our times.
Emphasis is on the development of various regions of the world.
AP World History
AP World History is a college level course with college level pacing. The course is rigorous and fast paced. AP World History prepares students to take the AP examination at the end of the year.
If you are interested in taking AP World History during freshman year, please speak with your current Social Studies teacher to get their recommendation.
**You will automatically be scheduled into Health for your freshman year**
If you are planning on taking health during the summer, your counselor will adjust your schedule after summer school is completed. Once you have passed during summer, Health will be removed from your schedule and an alternate will be put in its place.
Health during the academic year
Health is a required course for freshmen and meets a graduation requirement. Most freshmen will take health during the academic year.
Health during the summer
Taking health during the summer between 8th grade and freshmen year is a popular choice among many students. This allows for more flexibility with courses your freshmen year.
Please Note: registration for summer school health is on a first come first serve basis and fills up quickly. Information on summer school registration will be provided during the Spring semester.
Sample Freshmen Schedule
Below is a Sample Freshmen schedule. You can choose to select courses that fit your own academic needs, skills and interests.
You must select:
- 6 classes minimum (one study hall per semester) OR
- 7 classes maximum (no study hall)
Semester 1 - 3 Credits
- English 1
- Algebra
- Study Hall
- World Cultures
- Physical Science
- Band
- Strength & Conditioning
Semester 2 - 3 Credits
- English 1
- Algebra
- Health
- World Cultures
- Physical Science
- Band
- Study Hall
Current Freshmen
Class of 2027
Sophomore Requirements
Grade 10 Required Courses:
- English: 1 Credit
- English 2 or English 2 Honors
- Math: 1 Credit
- Geometry or Applied Geometry or Algebra 2/Trig
- Science: 1 Credit
- Biology or Chemistry
- Social Studies: 1 Credit
- US History or AP US History
- Phy Ed: 0.5 Credits
- Team Sports, Individual Sports, Lifetime, Strength & Conditioning
- Electives: 1.5 Credits Minimum
Graduation Requirements:
Total: 23 Credits
English | 4 Credits |
Math | 3 Credits |
Science | 3 Credits |
Social Studies | 3 Credits |
PhyEd | 1.5 Credits |
Health | 0.5 Credits |
Financial Lit | 0.5 Credits |
Electives | 7.5 Credits |
Which required courses should I take?
English 2
The vast majority of students will take English 2 to meet the sophomore level requirement.
If you are currently in English 1 Honors or your English skills are particularly strong, English 2 Honors may be an appropriate fit.
Please contact your current English teacher with specific questions related to your skills.
English 2 Honors
English 2 Honors covers the same themes and skills of English 2, but students can expect a faster pace with more challenging texts and rigorous expectations. Students in the honors section may also participate in Great World Texts, sponsored by the Humanities program at UW-Madison, joining schools across the state in reading a world literature text and attending a conference at UW-Madison to demonstrate their work.
Biology vs Chemistry vs Other
The science option for sophomores will largely be based on what class was completed during Freshmen year.
If you completed Physical Science as a Freshmen you will take Biology as a Sophomore.
If you completed Biology as a Freshmen your options are greater as a Sophomore. Generally, students who completed Biology as a Freshmen will take Chemistry as a Sophomore.
Science Electives
Every high school student is required to take 3 credits of science. As a Sophomore, you are able to take additional Science courses if you choose. Science options open for Sophomores are:
- Animal Science
- Astronomy
- Engineering 1 or 2
- Exploring Conservation
- Food Science
- Horticulture 1 or 2
- Medical Terminology
Social Studies
US History vs AP US History
The vast majority of students will take US History to meet the Sophomore level requirement.
If you are currently in AP World Cultures or would like to challenge yourself AP US History may be a good fit.
Please contact your current Social Studies teacher regarding AP placement.
Social Studies Electives
Every high school student is required to take 3 credits of Social Studies. As a Sophomore, you are able to take additional Social Studies courses if you choose. Social Studies options open for Sophomores are:
- AP Modern European History
- Area Studies of Wisconsin
- Geography
Your sophomore year is a great opportunity to explore special interests while still completing the required courses. Taking a wide variety of classes across the curriculum is a great way to figure out your post secondary plans.
When choosing electives, consider your short and long term goals, learning style, and interests. Be sure to refer to the course guide for course descriptions and prerequisites.
Please consider reviewing or starting a 4 Year Plan of Study
Sample Sophomore Schedule
Below is a Sample Sophomore schedule. You can choose to select courses that fit your own academic needs, skills and interests.
You must select:
- 6 classes minimum (one study hall per semester) OR
- 7 classes maximum (no study hall)
Semester 1 - 3 Credits
- English 2
- Geometry
- Study Hall
- US History
- Biology
- Choir
- Team Sports
Semester 2 - 3 Credits
- English 2
- Geometry
- Marketing Essentials
- US History
- Biology
- Choir
- Study Hall
Current Sophomores
Class of 2026
Junior Requirements
Grade 11 Required Courses:
- English: 1 Credit
- English 3 or English 3 Honors
- Math: 1 Credit
- Math option based on skill and previous course
- Science: 1 Credit
- Science option based on skill and previous course
- Social Studies: 1 Credit
- Government & Politics AND Social Studies Elective
- OR AP Government & Politics
- Phy Ed: 0.5 Credits
- Team Sports, Individual Sports, Lifetime, Strength & Conditioning
- Financial Literacy: 0.5 credit
- Electives: 1.5 Credits Minimum
Graduation Requirements:
Total: 23 Credits
English | 4 Credits |
Math | 3 Credits |
Science | 3 Credits |
Social Studies | 3 Credits |
PhyEd | 1.5 Credits |
Health | 0.5 Credits |
Financial Lit | 0.5 Credits |
Electives | 7.5 Credits |
Which required course should I take?
English 3
The vast majority of students will take English 3 to meet the junior level requirement.
If you are currently in English 2 Honors or your English skills are particularly strong, English 3 Honors may be an appropriate fit.
Please contact your current English teacher with specific questions related to your skills.
English 3 Honors
English 3 Honors focuses on all of the skills listed in the English 3 course description, but students can expect a faster pace with more challenging texts and rigorous expectations. Honors courses are specifically focused on preparing students for post secondary academic expectations.
English Electives
All juniors must take English 3 or English 3 Honors.
In additional to English 3, juniors have the opportunity to choose an English class as one of their elective courses. Below are courses offered that will also satisfy an English requirement for graduation during senior year:
- Creative Writing 1
- Creative Writing 2
- Oral Interpersonal Communication
- UWO Fundamentals of Speech
- UWO Theater Appreciation
The math option for Juniors is highly personalized. Therefore, please consider discussing your math sequence with your current math teacher.
Grade 10 Math Class | Grade 11 Math Class |
Applied Geometry | Geometry or Intro to Alg2 |
Geometry | Intro to Algebra 2 or Algebra 2/Trig |
Intro to Algebra 2 | Algebra 2/Trig |
Algebra 2/Trig | Pre-Calculus |
After completing Physical Science and Biology, students are required to complete a 3rd science credit. Students may meet this requirement with a 3rd lab science course OR an approved science equivalent course. Please see the list below for courses that meet this requirement.
If you are a student interested in attending a 4-year University upon graduation, the vast majority require a 3rd year of LAB SCIENCE for admission requirements. Please see the course below that meet this requirement.
Please reference the course guide and input from your current science teacher or counselor on an appropriate 3rd year science course
- Animal Science
- Anatomy & Physiology (lab science)
- Astronomy
- Chemistry (lab science)
- Engineering 1 or 2
- Environmental Issues
- Exploring Conservation
- Food Science
- Horticulture 1 or 2
- Geology (lab science)
- Medical Terminology
- Physics (lab science)
- Veterinary Science
- CAPP Biology (lab science)
- CAPP Chemistry (lab science)
- CAPP Physics (lab science)
- eAcademy Options
Social Studies
American Government and Politics
Students are required to take American Government and Politics or AP Government and Politics to meet graduation requirements.
Government and Politics is a one semester course and students are required to take an additional Social Studies course to meet 3 total social studies credits.
AP Government and Politics
AP U.S. Government and Politics is an intensive study of the formal and informal structures of government and the processes of the American political system, with an emphasis on policy making and implementation. This course prepares students to take the AP examination in spring. This course is a year long course worth 1.0 credit (.5 credit satisfies the Social Studies requirement and the other .5 credit counts as the elective for Social Studies).
Social Studies Electives
All juniors must take American Government and Politics or AP Government and Politics.
Juniors have the opportunity to choose a social studies class as one of their elective courses. Below are courses offered that will also satisfy a social studies requirement for graduation:
- Area Studies of Wisconsin
- Contemporary Issues
- Diversity Studies
- Economics
- Geography
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Sports and History
- eAcademy Options
Financial Lit
Every student is required to take a Financial Literacy course to satisfy graduation requirements. Students can choose from one of the following courses:
- Consumer Finance (explore jobs, responsible financial spending, family budgeting, banking, & credit)
- FVTC Personal Finance (saving, budgeting, investing, stock market, credit, understanding insurance)
- CAPP Personal Finance (navigating insurance, figuring taxes, retirement planning, investments, budgeting)
- Agribusiness Management (financial goal setting, budgeting, saving, investing, agriculture commodities)
Your Junior year is a great opportunity to explore special interests while still completing the required courses needed for graduation. Taking a wide variety of classes across the curriculum is a great way to figure out post secondary plans.
When choosing electives, consider your short and long term goals, learning style, and interests. Be sure to refer to the course guide for course descriptions and prerequisites.
Please consider reviewing or starting a 4 Year Plan of Study
Sample Junior Schedule
Below is a Sample Junior schedule. You can choose to select courses that fit your own academic needs, skills and interests.
You must select:
- 6 classes minimum (one study hall per semester) OR
- 7 classes maximum (no study hall)
Semester 1 - 3 Credits
- English 3
- Intro to Algebra 2
- Study Hall
- Government & Politics
- Chemistry
- Accounting
- Strength & Conditioning
Semester 2 - 3 Credits
- English 3
- Intro to Algebra 2
- Consumer Finance
- Psychology
- Chemistry
- Accounting
- Study Hall
Current Juniors
Class of 2025
Senior Requirements
It is crucial to review your credit status as you select your courses for senior year. Make sure you review your transcript to ensure that you will meet all of the graduation requirements by the end of your senior year!
You can find the graduation requirements listed on page 1 of the OASD High School Course Guide or listed on the right. You can access your transcript (complete record of grades) by logging into Infinite Campus and then selecting “Unofficial Transcript” under “Reports”.
** Seniors must take a minimum of 5 classes per semester (credit status permitting)! Seniors can have up to 2 study halls or 2 open hours per semester. Please note, there are specific requirements to qualify for open hours.
Graduation Requirements:
Total: 23 Credits
English | 4 Credits |
Math | 3 Credits |
Science | 3 Credits |
Social Studies | 3 Credits |
PhyEd | 1.5 Credits |
Health | 0.5 Credits |
Financial Lit | 0.5 Credits |
Electives | 7.5 Credits |
Subject Specifics
Please refer to the list below to review your English options for senior year. Most senior English classes are only one semester (0.5 credit), so remember that you must choose TWO semesters of English for your senior year to fulfill the 1.0 credit requirement of senior English needed for graduation.
- AP English Literature
- Creative Writing 1
- Creative Writing 2
- Digital Narrative: Storytelling in the Modern Age
- English 4
- Myths and Legends
- Oral Interpersonal Communication (FVTC)
- Pre-College English
- Sports Literature
- CAPP College English
- CAPP Fundamentals of Speech
- CAPP Theater Appreciation
- Written Communication (FVTC)
If you are planning to apply to a four year college/university after high school, you need to make sure you have 3.0 credits (3 full years) of math, but you need to make sure you take Algebra 2/Trigonometry before graduating. While Intro to Algebra 2 counts as towards your 3.0 credits of math required for graduation, you still need to take Algebra 2/Trigonometry if you are planning to apply to a four year college/university.
Here is the “typical” high school math sequencing:
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Algebra 2/Trigonometry
Taking four years of math during high school is strongly encouraged if you are applying for a college or technical college after high school. Both options will require a placement test and taking a year off from math is not a good idea as you will need to continue with math during college.
If you are planning to apply to a four year college/university after high school, you need to make sure you have 3.0 credits (3 full years) of “laboratory science”. While many courses count towards fulfilling your high school science graduation requirements, only the following classes are considered lab sciences (and therefore fulfill admission requirements for four year colleges/universities):
- Physical Science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Geology
- Physics
- CAPP Biology
- CAPP Chemistry
- CAPP Physics
Sample Senior Schedule
Below is a Sample Senior schedule. You can choose to select courses that fit your own academic needs, skills and interests.
You must select:
- 5 classes minimum (two study halls per semester) OR
- 7 classes maximum (no study hall)
Semester 1 - 2.5 Credits
- Pre-College English
- Algebra 2/Trig
- Study Hall
- Physics
- Study Hall
- Choir
- Strength & Conditioning
Semester 2 - 2.5 Credits
- Myths & Legends
- Algebra 2/Trig
- Study Hall
- Physics
- Study Hall
- Choir
- Senior Foods
Scheduling Specifics For All Grades
Course Scheduling Sheets
As in years past, course scheduling sheets are completed by students and a GREAT tool to help plan your courses and progress towards graduation.
Freshman Course Request Sheet
Sophomore Course Request Sheet
Junior Course Request Sheet
Senior Course Request Sheet
Course Numbers, Names & Alternates
When entering course requests into Infinite Campus it is VERY important to understand which course(s) you are entering. You can search for courses based on Course Name or Course Number. When selecting a year long course, you MUST enter both 4 digit courses.
Please follow the chart below for specifics:
Course Number | Meaning | Example | Outcome |
3 Digits | Semester Course | 954 | Health one semester |
4 Digits | Year Long Course | 1121/1122 | English 1st & 2nd Semester |
Z prior to Number | Zero Hour Course | Z9441 | Zero Hour Strength & Conditioning 1st Semester |
E prior to Number | eAcademy Course | E497 | eAcademy Criminology one semester |
C prior to Number | Communities Course | C1131/C1132 | Communities English 1 Honors |
In the event that a course you request does not run, or that a few courses conflict with one another based on the time it is being offered during the day, it is very important that you enter alternate course requests. We will use these courses as back-up courses as needed.
Driver's Education
Driver Education Info
Driver Education: 9 Weeks (1 quarter of the semester)
Fee: $425 - Includes cost of Classroom and Behind the Wheel
Classroom Driver Education is the first phase in the licensing process. It meets every day for one quarter. The primary emphasis is traffic safety.
Students study:
- factors influencing driver attitudes and behavior
- contributing factors in motor vehicle crashes
- traffic laws and legal responsibilities
- the responsibilities of motor vehicle ownership
There is an attendance requirement according to state statute.
Students are eligible for their temporary license at age 15 (a change from the previous law of 15 1/2). Therefore, students are eligible for the classroom at 14 1/2. Getting a driver’s license is an exciting part of the high school experience. However, driving a car is an adult privilege with adult responsibilities. Every student reaches this level of maturity at a different age. Parents know best when their child is ready to begin the licensing process.
For more information, please contact Stacie Brethouwer at stacie.brethouwer@oshkosh.k12.
How to request driver education
- Students must enter 974DE in Infinite Campus to request Driver Education.
- Students will be placed in the appropriate quarter (1, 2, 3, 4) based on their birthdate.
- Students must pay the required fee prior to starting the course.
- Student do NOT earn high school credit for taking Driver Education
Study Hall
Study Halls are a great way to build in study/work time during your school day.
Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors can take 1 study hall per semester
Seniors have the ability to take 2 study halls per semester if they have met all graduation requirements.
In order to select a study hall, please follow the directions below:
- To select one study hall for ONLY a semester - request 999
- To select one study hall each semester - request 999 AND 999Y
Zero Hour
Zero hour takes place from 7:15 - 8:05 AM
Students who elect to take a zero hour course will attend school from 7:15am-2:41pm. Students are NOT allowed to take a zero hour AND 7 courses in their schedule, instead students will be given a zero hour for their 7th hour of the day and will be allowed to leave the building. The exception to this is for students taking Zero Hour Driver's Education, Jazz Band, or Madrigals.
Transportation will not be provided.
Requesting a zero hour course does not guarantee placement in a zero hour course. Please be sure to request alternate courses.
Specialized Programs
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- Communities Program
- eAcademy
- Off Site College Credit Programs & School 2 Work
- Youth Apprenticeship
Advanced Placement (AP)
What is the Advanced Placement Program?
The Advanced Placement Program enables students to pursue college-level studies while in high school. Based on their performance on rigorous AP Examinations, students can earn credit, advanced placement, or both for college.
Oshkosh Area School District offers several AP courses, which prepare students for the AP Examinations. In addition, students may choose to take any of the other exams in which they feel prepared without enrollment in an AP course. AP examinations are offered in the spring semester of every year. For a complete listing of AP examinations available, please visit the AP website.
How do I earn college credit from an AP course?
- Students earn high school credit and a grade for the class based on their academic performance in the class.
- Student may earn college credit based on a cumulative assessment taken at the end of the school year (cost of the test.
- Students must register and pay $94 to take the AP assessment in September.
- A score of a 3, 4, or 5 is generally needed to earn college credit.
What are CAPP courses?
Juniors and seniors who meet eligibility requirements may take University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO) courses at Oshkosh North High School and earn BOTH high school and college credit. This agreement with UWO is called Cooperative Academic Partnership Program, or CAPP.
The school district grants .25 high school credits for each college credit (example: a 3 credit UWO course equals .75 high school credits). All CAPP courses are computed into both your high school GPA and your University GPA!
In CAPP courses students experience the challenge of college curriculum while in a high school environment, which:
- sets them apart from other college applicants
- gives them the opportunity to register earlier
- allows them to explore a variety of options while in college
- provides them a chance to double major and graduate on time
- lessens their course load
- helps them graduate early
What are the eligibility requirements?
Juniors OR seniors who meet at least ONE of the three:
- Rank in the upper 30% of their class
- Have a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.75
What is the cost of a CAPP course?
Tuition for CAPP courses is $105 per college credit. The number of credits varies per course. Tuition for students who qualify for free/reduced lunch is $52.50 per college credit.
Before Choosing between AP and CAPP courses:
- You may wish to call your prospective colleges and/or universities to which you plan to apply in order to find out if AP and/or CAPP credits are accepted at each school.
- Please note that not all colleges and universities accept AP and/or CAPP credits.
For additional information on CAPP courses and the enrollment process, please refer to the CAPP website HERE!
Who should I contact if I am interested in taking CAPP courses?
If you are a junior or senior who meets the eligibility requirements to take a CAPP course and have additional questions, please reach out to your school counselor.
Communities Program
What is the Communities Program?
Communities students are prepared for college, career, and life by learning content through real-life application. Students work with local businesses and partners to help solve community problems. 21st century skills (collaboration, communication, creative thinking, critical thinking, and commitment) and an interdisciplinary approach are used to teach the OASD standards of English, Social Students, and Leadership courses.
Students who are interested in the program MUST apply for admittance via
The Communities Program is broken up into two groups: Communities 1 and Communities 2:
Communities 1: Freshman & Sophomores
This is an Oshkosh North program which transforms student learning from a traditional environment to a project-lead environment which helps students experience content, career, college, and community readiness. Communities 1 enrolls 80 freshman and sophomore students and covers the following content areas: English, Social Studies, and Leadership.
Communities 2: Juniors & Seniors
This program is comprised of students who wish to continue learning through community projects and partnerships. Juniors and seniors acquire English, Social Studies, Leadership, and TV Production credits through whole-class, community-focused projects and seminars. Juniors also complete an individually-led capstone project that meets a community need, while seniors engage in internships with local businesses or organizations.
Students who best fit the Communities profile are comfortable in a non-traditional classroom setting, want to learn from the community, and are interested in connecting with students from across grade levels. In case there are not enough seats for all interested students, a blind lottery will determine enrollment.
Course Requesting for Currently Enrolled Communities Students
If you are a student ALREADY enrolled in our Communities program, please refer to your Communities scheduling sheet for the appropriate courses.
Please remember that all Communities courses will be identified with a C in front of the course number!
If you are NOT currently enrolled in the Communities Program, please refer to the Communities website for additional information and application.
What is eAcademy
The Oshkosh Area School District eAcademy is an online program that offers a variety of classes for students. The OASD eAcademy utilizes new and emerging technologies to provide students with a flexible pathway to achieve student success within a 21st century learning environment. Classes use high quality online, blended, and hybrid learning resources.
The goal of the OASD eAcademy is to provide another option for students to receive a high quality Oshkosh education through personalized digital learning. eAcademy is partnered with the Wisconsin eSchool Network, which is a collaborative network of online programs throughout the state of Wisconsin. OASD students may choose a partial or full online schedule via eAcademy.
For more information about online options, please visit our eAcademy webite.
eAcademy Requirements
- Log in and engage in coursework for 50 minutes each day.
- Use school email to communicate with instructor.
- Complete online orientation.
- Complete all online assessments and classes as directed by due dates.
- Follow all OASD eAcademy policies as stated in eAcademy Handbook.
- Adhere to OASD policies for scheduling/drop/add classes.
- Maintain computer access at school or outside of school
Is eAcademy for me?
Students enrolled in online education tend to be self-motivated, confident, and critical thinkers.
- They are proactive in communication with teachers and mentors and maintain excellent daily attendance online.
- Students are self-directed and have the ability to manage time effectively.
- Students should be comfortable using the Internet for research and have basic computer skills to navigate online.
How to enroll in eAcademy courses
Please be sure to select courses with an "E" in front of the course number if you would like to be in an eAcadmey course.
- Students may select OASD taught courses in the OASD Course Guide.
- Additional Network courses are available through counselors.
- Approved eAcademy courses (both OASD and Network) will be scheduled into a student’s schedule as 8th hour.
Off Site College Credit Programs & School 2 Work
School2Work Program
What is the School2Work Program?
Reimagine your senior year and jumpstart your career in manufacturing with an immersive, paid School2Work experience. The Oshkosh Area School District's School2Work (S2W) program - in partnership with area manufacturing companies - provides an opportunity for high school seniors to earn their high school diploma while immersed in a paid capstone manufacturing experience. Simply put, S2W students spend their senior year:
- Taking classes that meet their high school credit requirements but that have been reimagined and are taught through a manufacturing lens, AND,
- Attending technical courses at Fox Valley Technical College at the Advanced Manufacturing and Technical Center, AND,
- Getting paid to work for an area manufacturing company for four hours during the school day
For more information, please visit the S2W website
If you are interested in participating in the S2W program, fill out the interest form here.
How to request school2work
Off Site College Credit Programs
UWO Early College Credit Program
The Early College Credit Program permits eligible juniors and seniors enrolled full-time at North High School, to attend the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO) for the purpose of taking one or more dual-credit courses during or after school hours (school year only)- up to a maximum of 18 credits during high school. Additionally, the cost of tuition and book/materials are paid for by the Oshkosh Area School District.
To qualify for a course at UWO, a student must exhaust ALL courses for that subject offered in the Oshkosh Area School District. For example, if a student has taken Psychology at North, since the school district does not offer anymore Psychology courses the student would be eligible to take Introduction to Psychology 101 at UWO.
The Oshkosh School District will grant .25 high school credits for each college credit awarded (example- a 3 credit college course equals .75 high school credits). All Early College Credit courses are computed into BOTH your high school GPA and appear on your official University transcripts.
Eligibility criteria for UW-Oshkosh:
- Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale
- Display the maturity and responsibility necessary to carry themselves inside a college classroom
How do I apply to be an Early College Credit Student?
- Talk with your school counselor about your eligibility and which classes you are interested in taking.
- Attend the Early College Credit enrollment meeting with Mrs. Erickson, school counselor, in September for spring semester or in February for fall semester.
- Complete ALL all application materials on time and return to Mrs. Erickson:
- Complete the UW System Early College Credit Application
- Complete the UW System Early College Credit Participation Form
For additional information, please refer to the Early College Credit presentation HERE- used at the enrollment meeting!
FVTC Start College Now
Start College Now is a program designed to introduce high school students to the world of higher education. In addition to getting a first-hand view of the college experience, you can earn both high school and college credit at the same time. These credits may be applied toward a degree at Fox Valley Technical College or at many other Wisconsin Colleges.
To qualify for a course at FVTC, a student must exhaust ALL courses for that subject offered in the Oshkosh Area School District. For example, if a student has taken Psychology at North, since the school district does not offer anymore Psychology courses the student would be eligible to take Introduction to Psychology 101 at UWO.
The Oshkosh School District will grant .25 high school credits for each college credit awarded (example- a 3 credit college course equals .75 high school credits). All Start College Now courses are computed into BOTH your high school GPA and appear on your official University transcripts.
Eligibility criteria for Fox Valley Technical Collage (FVTC):
- Minimum Cumulative GPA of 1.67 AND
- Be a student in good standing:
- Adhere to the student code of conduct.
- Adhere to attendance and tardiness policies.
- No outstanding fees/fines.
- No un-served detentions.
- No significant disciplinary infractions.
How do I apply to be a Start College Now student?
- Talk with your school counselor about your eligibility and which classes you are interested in taking.
- Attend the Start College Now enrollment meeting with Mrs. Erickson, school counselor, in September for spring semester or in February for fall semester.
- Complete ALL all application materials on time and return to Mrs. Erickson:
- Complete the Start College Now interest inventory located on the FVTC website
- Complete the Start College Now program application
For additional information, please refer to the Start College Now presentation HERE- used at the enrollment meeting!
Fox Valley Technical College (Start College Now) Information and Application
Youth Apprenticeship
What is Youth Apprenticeship
Juniors and seniors who are in good standing and have taken at least one class in the career area they are applying to are eligible for the Youth Apprenticeship program. Youth Apprenticeship is a state sponsored program that allows students to “try out” the career they are interested in within a real world work environment. To successfully complete the program, students must work at least 450 hours in a calendar year at their job setting and complete two semesters of related coursework. Students have a teacher mentor and receive credit for their work related experience. Graduates receive a state certificate of occupational proficiency. For a listing of Youth Apprenticeship program areas click HERE